February 20, 2007

Forum: Union Corruption @ Gotham Center

On the Take: Labor Union Corruption in New York City, Past, Present, Future

Recent scandals are the jumping off point for this forum, in which the new head of the city's Central Labor Council and distinguished scholars ask: How pervasive has labor corruption been in New York City? What has caused it? How does it compare to (or connect with) corruption in business and politics? What has been its impact on Gotham's economy and polity? What to do about it? An important and provocative evening with Ed Ott, Executive Director, New York City Central Labor Council, AFL/CIO; Mike Merrill, Dean, Harry Van Arsdale Jr. Center for Labor Studies, Empire State College; Robert Fitch, author, Solidarity for Sale; and James Jacobs, Professor of Law and Director, Center for Research in Crime and Justice, New York University School of Law, author, Mobsters, Unions, and Feds: The Mafia and the American Labor Movement.

February 26th, 6:30 - Ninth Floor

The History Forum is free. Seating is limited. Admittance will be on a first come, first served basis, no reservations.
Unless otherwise noted, all forums take place at the
CUNY GRADUATE CENTER - 365 5th Avenue at 34th Street.

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